We deliver a lot of social media training sessions direct to businesses and as part of wider digital marketing courses. Enclosed here is a social media slidedeck that walks through the importance of planning your social media strategy – looking before you leap. In the course of the presentation, we highlight the need to know what your business objectives are, exactly who it is you are targeting, what channels you are going using to engage with these audiences, what content you are going to use to get their interest (taking a cold hard look at your content and will anyone be really interested in it), is there customer/prospect activation points built into your content (its business after all, you need someone to take an action at some point). We go through case studies of businesses using certain platforms. Feel free to go through it or download it, and get back with comments. If you want to talk to us directly about any of the points covered, feel free to contact us.
Archive for August, 2011
Social Media Slidedeck
Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011Digital Strategy and Planning Session
Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011Digital Insights recently delivered a Digital Strategy and Planning Session for Dublin City Enterprise Board to a variety of businesses ranging from the travel industry, education sector, creative arts and retail. Embedded here is the slidedeck that we went through on the day. It goes through the key things to bear in mind when creating a digital strategy, it discusses some frameworks to conceptualise your digital strategy, and highlights the importance of content marketing and creating a mixed-ecosystem of owned, paid and earned media. It also goes through some of the tactical means available to marketers and how best to use them along with some case studies. Feel free to download and digest. If you want to discuss any of the points, feel free to contact us.
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